Research Abstract |
As for Ia antigen expression on human t-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I)producing cells, human Ia antigens (OKIa1, HLA-DR, -DQ, -DP) gave strongly positive immune reaction, and HTLV-I-related monkey and hamster lymphocytes were also positive for OKIal antigen. Ia antigen expression, such as OKIal, HLA-DR, -DP, -DP was detected on both viral envelope and plasma membrane, but not Tlymphocyte antigens constantly. Ultrastructurally, HTLV-I particles released from rabbit lymphocytes were essentially same with those of human and monkey lymphocytes, and releasing patterns were roughly divided into three forms. The first was rapid depachment of particles containing mature-formed cores. The second was "Pinched off" pattern of cored particles, occasionally showing tailed forms. The third type was the well-documented ones in animal origin virus. In HTLV-I, the first and second types supposed to occur most frequently. In HTLV-I from rabbit lymphocytes, all of 13 cell lines examined were interestingly positive for rabbit Ia and T antigens, but not human Ia and T antigens. Mereover, most of the viral envelopes expressed only rabbit Ia antigen, but not T antigen. These results suggested that selection of antigens expressed on the plasma membrane might happen at the time of virus release, and that Ia antigen expression on the viral envelope might be more important than T-lymphocyte antigen for viral infection, and transformation with viruses. HTLV-I-related human and hamster lymphocytes were positive for antibody to Ia 7 of mouse I-E region. In relation with Ia antigen expression, the effect of human interferons, , and types was examined in human HTLV-I producing cells. The results obtained were the suppressive effect of virus release and assembly, especially with the treatment of type, as revealed by ultrastructural observation, and reverse transcriptase assay of the culture medium. As to Ia antigen expression with each interferon treatment, the investigations are nowunder way.