[Publications] H.Koseki: Optics Letters. 13. 785-787 (1988)
[Publications] K.Oka: Second Optoelectronic Conference (OEC'88)Technical Digest. 138-139 (1988)
[Publications] S.Tanaka: Second Optoelectronics Conference(OEC'88) Technical Digest. 128-129 (1988)
[Publications] H.Koseki: Second Optoelectronics Conference(OEC'88)Technical Digest. 70-71 (1988)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: Optics Letters13. 1988. (841-843)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: China-Japan OFS'88 Technical Digest. 1988. (84-86)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: SPIE vol.954 Optical Testing and Metrology. 617-624 (1988)
[Publications] K.OKA: Proceedings of SPIE,The International Congress on Optical Science and Engineering. (1989)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: International Journal of Optoelectronics. 3. (1989)
[Publications] Y.Ohtsuka: Accepted for the Conference Interferometry '89 to be held in Warsaw,Ploand,1989.
[Publications] K.Tanaka: Submitted to IOOC'89,to be held in Kobe,1989.
[Publications] V.Napasab: Journal of Optical Communications. 9. 102-107 (1988)
[Publications] K.Kishi: IEEE Trans.on Microwave Theory and Techniques. MTT-37. (1989)
[Publications] 広瀬靖雄: 第9回超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジューム論文集. 11-12 (1988)
[Publications] Y.Hirose: Suppl.JJAP. (1989)
[Publications] D.T.Jong: Applied Optics. 28. (1989)
[Publications] K.Hotate: Submitted to Applied Optics.
[Publications] D.T.Jong: Second Optoelectronics Conference(OEC'88)Techmical Diggest. 60-61 (1988)
[Publications] K.Hotate: China-Japan OFS'88 Technical Digest. 39-41 (1988)
[Publications] K.Hotate: Submitted to IOOC'89,to be held in Kobe,Japan,July 18-21,1989.
[Publications] 保立和夫: 第148回レーザ学会研究会報告. 1-6 (1989)
[Publications] 保立和夫: 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(OQE88-23). 79-86 (1988)
[Publications] 鍾徳才: 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(OQE88-24). 87-94 (1988)
[Publications] 鍾徳才: 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(OQE88-100). 1-8 (1988)
[Publications] Y.Fujii: Fourteenth European Conference on OPTICAL COMMUNICATION(ECOC'88). 103-106 (1988)
[Publications] A.B.Sharma: 1988 Conference on Optical Fiber. (1988)
[Publications] H.Shoji: Electronics Letters. 24. 888-889 (1988)
[Publications] T.Sogawa: Electronics Letters. 24. 170-171 (1988)
[Publications] T.Sogawa: XVI International Conference on Quantum Electronics(IOEC'). 288-289 (1988)
[Publications] T.Sogawa: Applied Physics Letters. 53. 1580-1582 (1988)
[Publications] T.Sogawa: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena(ICUP'88). 46-47 (1988)
[Publications] H.Shoji: Fourteenth European Conference on OPTICAL COMMUNICATION. 312-315 (1988)
[Publications] Y.Arakawa: Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics. (1989)
[Publications] T.Sogawa: Submitted to quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. 1989.
[Publications] Y.Arakawa: Applited Physics Letters. 51. 1295-1297 (1987)
[Publications] T.Yoshino: Conference on Laser and Electro-optics(Anaheim). 136-137 (1988)
[Publications] T.Yoshino: 5th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. 1. 40-43 (1988)
[Publications] T.Yoshino: China-Japan OFS'88 Technical Digest. 2-4 (1988)
[Publications] T.Yoshino: China-Japan OFS'88 Technical Digest. 57-59 (1988)
[Publications] T.Hashimoto: Submitted to Optics Letters.
[Publications] 芳野俊彦: 光技術コンタクト. 26. 843-853 (1988)
[Publications] 芳野俊彦: 日本機械学会誌. 91. 263-268 (1988)
[Publications] 芳野俊彦: 電気設備学会誌. 8. 873-878 (1988)
[Publications] 渡辺実: 電子情報通信学会論文誌(C). 1473-1474 (1988)
[Publications] H.Yoshikawa: 5th Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. 1. 92-95 (1988)
[Publications] 中谷登: 第1回光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集. 1988. (105-112)
[Publications] N.Nakatani: Proc.of the 2nd Inter.Symp.on Fluid-Control,Measurement,Mechanics-and Flow Visualization,Sheffield. 332-336 (1988)
[Publications] 中谷登: 第2会光波センシング技術研究会講演論文集. 67-74 (1988)
[Publications] 中谷登: 計測自動制御学会論文集.
[Publications] 保立和夫: "未来産業技術第4巻「光ファイバーセンサー」" 科学技術広報財団, 957-966 (1988)
[Publications] 保立和夫: "エレクトロニクス研究の世界を究める--エレクロニック・デバイスからのアプローチ「コヒーレント光計測」" 朝日出版社, 27-43 (1988)
[Publications] 芳野俊彦: "先端材料ハンドブック--光ファイバセンサ" 朝倉書店, 563-572 (1988)