[Publications] A.Manabe et al.: Phys.Rev.Letters. (1989)
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[Publications] H.Ikegami: H.Tamura et al.: Nucl.Phys.Physical Review Letters.to be published in April. A479. 161c (1989)(1988)
[Publications] N.Nishida: H.Sakai et al.: RCNP Annual Report.Jpn.AppL.Phys.27. L94 (1988)(1989)
[Publications] T.Yamazaki: H.Ikegami: Lecture given at the Enrico Fermi Summer School(Varenna,June 23-July 3,); Nuovo Cimento; INS-Rep.658. Phys.Rev.Letters. 60. 929-932 (1988)(1987)
[Publications] T.Yamazaki: H.Sakai et al.: Proc.5th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms at Varenna Italy. Phys.Letters. B207. 444-453 393 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] Y.Miyama et al.: J.H.Brewer: Phys.Rev.Letters. Proc.International Conference on Relativistic Nuclear Many-Body Physics,World Scientific,1989 ed.B.C.Clark et al.60. 1073 (1989)(1988)
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[Publications] M.Wakai: Y.Kawasima et al.: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Physical Review C. A274. 38. 748-759 241 (1988)(1989)
[Publications] H.Toki et al.: M.Wakai: Zeitschrift fur Physik A. Pions in Nuclei:From Virtual-Pion exchange to Real-Pion Transfer T.Yamazaki:Invited talk at Symposium"Perspectives on Particle Physics"(March 29-30,Tokyo); INS Rep-;Phys.Letters. B213. 129 (1988)(1989)
[Publications] H.Bando: R.Kadono: Phys.Rev.Nuclear Physics A. B39. 23 (1989)(1989)
[Publications] N.Nishida: M.Sano: Physics Letters B. Physica. C153-C155. 761 (1988)(1989)
[Publications] K.Ikeda: H.Tamura: Proc.Fifth Int.Conf.Clustering Aspects in Nuclear and Subnuclear,Systems,Kyoto,1988;J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.Int'1,J.Modern Physics A. 58Suppl.3. 399 2339-2347 (1988)(1989)
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[Publications] T.Minamisono et al.: K.Ohta: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.Nucl.Phys.A. 55Suppl.1044-1045 (1986)(1989)
[Publications] M.Ichimura: T.Minamisono et al.: Phys.Rev.C. J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.55Suppl.1046-1047 (1989)(1986)
[Publications] Y.Nojiri et al.: H.Bando: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.Nucl.Phys.A. 55Suppl.478. 1086-1087 697c-704c (1986)(1988)
[Publications] K.Tamura: S.Ochi et al.: Phys.Rev.Letters. Nucl.Instrum.Methods.B14. 578-588 (1989)(1986)
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[Publications] T.Takatsuka: Y.Kuno et al.: Progress of Theoretical Physics. Z.Atomic Nuclei. 79. 323. 274-279 69-82 (1988)(1986)
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[Publications] T.Kunihiro: T.Minamisono et al.: Hyperfine Interactions. Progress of Theroetical Physics. 79. 34/35. 120-140 299-302 (1988)(1987)
[Publications] T.Minamisono et al.: T.Otofuji: Hyperfine Interactions. Physics Letters B. 34/35. 205. 601-604 145-150 (1987)(1988)
[Publications] H.Kanada: H.Kubota et al.: Journal of Physical Society Japan. Hyperfine Interactions. 58Suppl.34/35. 726-732 605-608 (1989)(1987)
[Publications] Y.Nojiri et al.: T.Yamada: Hyperfine Interactions. Physical Review C. 34/35. 38. 1015-1018 726-732 (1987)(1988)
[Publications] L.Majiig: Y.Nojiri et al.: Prog.Theor.Phys.Hyperfine Interactions. 79. 34/35. 561-565 1019-1022 (1988)(1987)
[Publications] Y.Nojiri et al.: H.Bando: Nucl.Instrum.Methods.Z.Phys.A. B33. 330. 193-197 203-208 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] Y.Kuno et al.: H.Bando: Hyperfine Interactions. Int'l Journal of Modern Phys.A. 7. 39. 1581 253-267 (1988)(1988)
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[Publications] K.Tamura et al.: Y.Yamamoto: Progr.Theor.Phys.(Kyoto). Prog.Theor.Phys.80. 80. 138-150 757-761 (1988)(1988)
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[Publications] R.Ikeda et al.: H.Morita: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.Prog.Theor.Phys.58No.4. 79. 863-875 (1989)(1988)
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[Publications] M.Hirata: 久野良孝: Phys.Rev.B. Phys.Rev.D. 39. 38. No.5 9276-9279 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] 西田信彦 et al.: A.Matsuyama: Nucl.Phys.A. 477. 673-695 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] K.Yazaki: A.Nakajima et al.: Nucl.Phys.A. Chemical Physics Letters. 479. 151(6). 217c-226c 511-515 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] K.Someda et al.: S.Takeuchi: The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Nucl.Phys.A. 481. 92. 6541-6544 693-726 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] O.Morimatsu: A.Ohsaki et al.: Nucl.Phys.A. Physical Review(A). 38(6). 483. 493-513 2798-2803 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] K.Someda et al.: T.Yamazaki: The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Phys.Lett.B. 207. 93. 35-39 393-396 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] H.Sagawa: Y.Ozaki et al.: Physics Letters B. Chemical Physics Letters. 145(5). 202. 15-20 461-465 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] K.Kondow et al.: K.Takayanagi: Nuclear Physics A. Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics;La Plangne-France-January 17-23. 477. 205-230 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] T.Shigehara: A.Nakajima et al.: Chemical Physics Letters. Nucl.Phys.A. 477. 151(6). 583-595 511-515 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] K.Someda et al.: T.Hoshino: Nuclear Physics A. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 481. 92. 6541-6544 458-476 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] K.Sugawara-Tanabe: 西田信彦 et al.: 発表予定. Physics Letters B. 206. 573-578 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] H.Nakada: 西田信彦: Phys.Letters B. 第43回日本物理学会年会予稿集. 3. 209. 411-414 135-137 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] 伊藤泰男: Hsi-Tseng Chen: Isotope News. Journal of Physics G. 14. 2. 2-5 205-210 (1988)(1987)
[Publications] A.Arima: 伊藤泰男: Zeitschrift fur Physik A. 日本分析化学会誌. 331. 299-303 341-342 (1987)(1988)
[Publications] H.Tamura: T.Azuma et al.: CRC Uniscience.Series;Pulse Radiolysis of Irradiated Systems ed.Y.Tabata. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 58. 399-405 (1989)
[Publications] T.Azuma et al.: R.S.Hayano et al.: Nuovo Climento. International Journal of Radiation Physics and Chemistry.
[Publications] T.Yamazaki et al.: Y.Ozaki et al.: Chemical Physics Letters. Nuovo Climento. 145(5). 461-465 (1988)
[Publications] H.Tamura et al.: T.Kondow et al.: Nuovo Cimento. Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics;La Plagne-France-January 17-23.
[Publications] A.Ohsaki et al.: A.Sakaguchi et al.: Nuovo Cimento. Physical Review(A). 38(6). 2798-2803 (1988)
[Publications] R.S.Hayano et al.: K.Someda et al.: The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Pysical Review Letters. 93. 35-39 (1988)
[Publications] H.Tamura et al.: 坂本澄彦: Physical Review Letters. 病態生理. 8. 149-153 (1989)
[Publications] H.Tamura et al.: T.Nishino et al.: Physical Review Letters. Solid State Communications. 68. 455-458 (1988)
[Publications] K.W.Kehr: F.Fujimoto et al.: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Nucl.Instrum Methods. B33. 57. 2819-2825 354-357 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] Y.Iwata et al.: H.Sugimoto: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Nucl.Instrum.Methods. B33. 57. 991-996 574-577 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] A.Ootuka et al.: K.Yamada: Progress of Theoretical Physics. Nucl.Instrum.Methods. 75. B33. 304-307 1044-1047 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] H.Akai: K.Komaki et al.: Nuclear Instrum Methods. Hyperfine Interactions. B33. 43. 26-29 261-276 (1988)(1989)
[Publications] K.Kuroki et al.: H.Adachi et al.: Nucl.Instrum Methods. Journal de Physique. 48. B33. 276-280 733-766 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] Y.Yamazaki: T.Fukuda et al.: Proc.INS Symp.on Hypernuclear Physics. Phys.Rev.Lett.61. 170-176 2913-2916 (1988)(1986)
[Publications] T.Kishimoto et al.: K.Maruyama: Nucl.Phys.IV.Int.Symp.on Masons and bight Nuclei,Pragnc('88). A478. 523c-531c 45-46 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] A.Akei et al.: I.Endo et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett.IV.Int.Symp.on Masons and Light Nuclei,Pragnc('88). 60. 78-79 2292-2294 (1988)(1988)
[Publications] M.Haradat et al.: H.Ejiri: Nucl.Instrum Methods(to be published). Proc.Giant Resonance,RCNP,Osaka('88). (1989)
[Publications] T.Kishimoto: I.Endo et al.: Proc.Workshop on Physics and Detector Systems in Cyclotron Cascade Project('88). Submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.(1989)
[Publications] H.Kitazawa et al.: K.Okuda et al.: Sikud State Commun. Nucl.Inst.Meth,to be submitted. 67. 1191-1195 (1988)
[Publications] T.Kishimoto: H.Kitazawa et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett.,Submitted. J.de Phys.(Colloque). (1989)
[Publications] S.Ikehata et al.: H.Akei et al.: Synthetic Metals. Proc.1988 Int.Symp.on Hypernuclear and Low-JEnergy Kaon Physics ('88)Nuovo Cimento to be published. (1989)
[Publications] T.Kishimoto: Proc.1988 Int.Symp.on Hypernuclear and Low-Energy Kaon Physics ('88)Nuoveo Cimento to be published.
[Publications] M.Fukuda et al.: Nuclear Physics A. A479. 1-12 (1987)
[Publications] H.Ejiri et al.: Physical Review. C36. 1435-1441 (1987)
[Publications] H.Ejiri et al.: Phys.Lett.to be submitted.
[Publications] H.Ejiri et al.: Phys.Lett.to be submitted.
[Publications] A.Akai et al.: Paper in preparation.
[Publications] H.Ejiri et al.: Int.Symp.on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei,Montreal,('89)Contributed Paper.
[Publications] H.Ejiri et al.: Int.Symp.on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei,Montreal,('89)Contributed Paper.
[Publications] H.Ohsumi et al.: Nucl.Inst.Meth.
[Publications] M.Ninomiya et al.: Nuclear Instr.and Methods. A272. 727-733 (1988)
[Publications] 水崎隆雄: "'89先端科学・技術開発年鑑" 技術出版社, (1989)
[Publications] J.Kanamori/A.Kotani: "Springer Series in Solid-State Science 81" Spring-Verlag, 1988
[Publications] 杉本健三/村岡光男: "原子核物理学" 共立出版株式会社, 1988
[Publications] F.Fujimoto/Ed.R.A.Carrigan Jr/J.A.Ellison: "The Study of Electron Chasnneling and Channeling Radiation Using High-Voltage Electron Micro Scopes(Relativistic Channeling)" Plenum Pub.Cor., 1987
[Publications] Y.Yamazaki,;Ed.D.Berenyi,;G.Hock: "Solid-State Effects in Electron Ejection by Chrged-Particles(Lecture Notes in Physics 294)" Springer Verlag, 1988