[Publications] D.T.Jong,K.Hotate: "Frequency division multiplication of optical fiber sensors using an optical delay loop with a frequency shifter" OSA,Applied Optics. 28. 1289-1297 (1989)
[Publications] Y.H.Cheng,T.Okoshi: "Phase-noise-cancelling dual-frequency heterodyne optical fibre communication system" IEE,Electronics Letters. 25. 835-836 (1989)
[Publications] T.Okoshi,A.Hirose,K.Kimura: "A simple experiment elusidating the duality of light as wave and photon" optics communications. 72. 7-12 (1989)
[Publications] 保立和夫: "半導体レ-ザとコヒ-レント光センシング" 日本材料学会,機械科学. 26. 137-142 (1989)
[Publications] W.P.Liu,M.Higashiguchi: "Application of optimal control to initial alignment ofstrapdown inertial navigation system(INS)" Trans.Japan Society of Aeronautics and Space. 32. 67-78 (1989)
[Publications] K.Hotate,O.Kamatani: "Reflectometry by meams of optical-coherence modulation" IEE,Electronics Letters. 25. 1503-1505 (1989)
[Publications] T.Okoshi,S.Yamashita: "Double-stage phase-diversity(DSPD)experiment using 100Mbit/s FSK coherent optical communication system" IEE,Electronics Letters. 25. 1512-1513 (1989)
[Publications] 石藤,島田,東口: "高速道路でのGPSに関する自動車走行実験結果" 電子情報通信学会論文誌B=II. J72B-II. 557-564 (1989)
[Publications] 保立和夫: "光ファイバジャイロ" 計測自動制御学会,計測と制御. 29. 68-74 (1990)
[Publications] K.Hotate,K.Takiguchi,A.Hirose: "Adjustment-free method to eliminate the noise induced by the backscattering in an Optical Passive Ring-Resona-tor Gyro" IEEE.,Photonics Technolgy Letters. 2. 75-77 (1990)
[Publications] 保立和夫: "光ファイバジャイロ-干渉方式と共振方式の研究開発状況-" 電子情報通信学会誌. 73. 2 (1990)
[Publications] K.Hotate,S.Samukawa: "Drift reduction in an optical heterodyne fiber qyro" OSA,Applied Optics. 29. March (1990)
[Publications] K.Takiguchi,K.Hotate: "Manner to reduce the bias of Optical Passive Ring-Resonator Gyro caused by the misalignment of the polari-zation axis in the resonator" submitted to IEEE.,Jour Lightwave Technology. submitted in Nov.1989.
[Publications] K.Hotate.K,Takiguchi,A.Hirose: "Adjustment-free method to elimlnate the noise induced by the backscattering in an Optical Passive Ring-Resona-tor Gyro" IOOC'89. 20D3-2. (1989)
[Publications] S.Yamashita,T.Okashi: "Sensitivity penalty due to optical circuit imbalance in double-stage phase-diversity(DSPD)receiver:Theory and experiment" ECOC'89. PAD-5. (1989)
[Publications] T.Okashi: "Recent progress in coherent optical communications:With enphasis on diversity techniques" URSI-ISSSE'89. (1989)
[Publications] K.Hotate,O.Kamatani: "Reflectometry with high spatial resolution and no moving part by means of source-coherence modulation" OFS-6'89. 64-70 (1989)
[Publications] K.Hotate.K,Takiguchi,M.Murakami: "Bias of an Optical Passive Ring-Resonator Gyro due to the misalignment of the polarization axis in the resona-tor formed by the polarization maintaining fiber" OFS-6'89. 94-100 (1989)
[Publications] D.T.Jong,K.Hotate: "Optical fiber intermerometric sensor with immunity from environmental distrubace induced in the lead-fiber" OFS-6'89. 313-320 (1989)
[Publications] K.Hotate,O.Kamatani: "Optical signal processing for reflectometry with high sptial-resolution by synthesis of coherence function" to be presented at Intern.Topical Meeting on Optical Computing,OC'90. 10H3. (1990)
[Publications] K.Hotate,O.Kamatani: "Optical Coherence Domain Reflectometry by synthesis of coherence function" to be presented at Optoelectronics Conference OEC'90(invited). (1990)
[Publications] 保立和夫: "光の波長・位相制御技術による光センシング" 電子情報通信学会,論文誌C-I(招待論文). J73-C-I. 5 (1990)
[Publications] 大越孝敬,国本勝就: "光ファイバの基礎(田中俊一編「光波利用センシング」3.1節)" オ-ム社, (1990)
[Publications] 保立和夫,東口實: "光ファイバジャイロ(田中俊一編「光波利用センシング」5.4節)" オ-ム社, (1990)
[Publications] 保立和夫: "光ファイバセンサへの応用(「半導体レ-ザと光計測」の4.5節)" 日本分光学会, (1990)