Research Abstract |
In this research project I tried to clarify the Husserl's theory of the experience of the Other or more generally Husserl's theory of Intersubjectivity.We cannot have immediate access to the consciousness of others.But still we are in everyday life all persuaded that we do not merely have a mediate idea of others,but we also really experience other persons.In order to overcome this difficulty in Cartesian Meditations Husserl has attempted to analyze the experience of the Other from the transcendental phenolomenological point of view.Husserl's fundamental thesis is that my transcendental ego can constitute in itself another ego.Hence he expose the analysis of appresentation(analogical apperception) of the Other to confirm this thesis.But Following the critical study of Held, Theunissen and Aguirre,we examined first whether Husserl treated the Other as "another transcendental I"which is equivalent to my I or not.In consequence we showed cleraly that in the Fifth Cartesian Meditation,as Held said,Husserl did not succeed in grasping the original consciousness of the Other as the subject in coexistence.The cause of this failure is to be sought in the two matters.Firstly Husserl intended to found the non-thematic apprehension of the another anonymously functioning ego on the thematic apprehension of one by my ego.Secondary he set about immediately constituting of the higher level of community.Before analyzing the experience of the Other in Cartesian Meditations,Husserl conceived the theory of intersubjectivity as monadology in various periods.This monadology contains more rich inhalts and various elements than the one in Cartesian Meditations. As a result of these considerations then we may point out that community of monads primarily communicating with one another is realized in the descriptions about the monad in many manuscripts which is mostly published in Towards Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity.