Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
We have isolated Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistance gene RCY1 encoding coiled coil (CC), nucleotide binding site (NB) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain-containing protein. Arabidopsis genome contains 〜200 member of RCY1 paralogs encoding NB-LRR protein. In this project, the function of RCY1 and other NB-LRR genes for the resistance to CMV was analyzed using a serious of RCY1 mutants and NB-LRR custom array. The obtained results suggested that (1)all CC, NB and LRR domains are required for complete resistance to CMV, (2)the resistance to CMV is dependent on the level of RCY1 expression, (3)RCY1 separately regulates development of hypersensitive cell death and restriction of virus spread. Furthermore, global analysis of 〜200 members of NB-LRR gene family in CMV resistance using custom array indicated that expression of five NB-LRR genes : At1g72890,At1g72900,At1g72910,At1g72930,At1g72940, which tandemly located on the chromosome I, was up-regulated in CMV resistance. The CMV-inducible R-like gene cluster was named "CIR1". To further analyze the function of CIR1 for CMV resistance, we transformed CIR1 cDNA under the control of CaMV35S promoter into A. thaliana carrying RCY1. The response of the obtained transformants to CMV will be extensively analyzed. The information obtained from this research will give a new insight to study the role of NB-LRR gene family for CMV resistance and molecular basis of virus resistance in plants.
All 2007 2006 2005 2004
All Journal Article (35 results) Book (6 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (1 results)
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20
Pages: 72-81
Journal of Plant Physiology (印刷中)
Journal of Plant Physiology (m press)
Plant Molecular Biology 62
Pages: 669-682
Phytopathology 96
Pages: 908-916
Plant Pathology 55
Pages: 537-543
Molecular Plant Pathology 7
Pages: 325-339
Journal of General Plant Pathology 71
Pages: 8-22
Plant Molecular Biology 59
Pages: 433-446
Plant Science 168
Pages: 415-422
Joumal of General Plant Pathology 71
Plant Cell Physiology 45
Pages: 803-809
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction 17
Pages: 623-632
Pages: 470-480
Planta 218
Pages: 740-750
PlantCell Physiology 45