Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Helicobacter pylon has been revealed to be an important factor for gastric carcinogenesis. We have analyzed association of gastric and intestinal phenotypic expression and alteration of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in stomach cancers developed in human cases as well as rodent models.1. Stomach cancers were classified into (1) gastric (G) type, expressing MUC5AC (mucin core protein localized in foveolar epithelium) or MUC6 (in pyloric gland cells), (2) intestinal (I) type, harboring MUC2 in intestinal goblet cells or villin on brush border, (3) gastric-and-intestinal mixed (GI) type, harboring both G and I types, and (4) null (N) type, possessing none of them.2. Sox2 was found to be transcribed in G and GI-mixed type adenocarcinomas in accordance with MUC5AC and MUC6 expression, while Cdx1 and Cdx2 were up-regulated in GI-mixed and I types along with the expression of MUC2 and villin. In the N type, both gastric and intestinal transcription factors were suppressed. Immunohistochemistry confirmed expression of Sox2 in MUC5AC+ lesions and Cdx2 localization together with MUC2.3. Thirteen (18.6%) advanced and 5 (16.7%) intramucosal gastric cancers were judged to be hMLH1-negative. In the intramucosal cases, MUC5AC expression was observed in all 5 hMLH1-negative differentiated-type cancers, showing the association of gastric phenotype and microsatellite instability4. Seventy-seven regions in 39 stomach adenocarcinomas were evaluated according to the beta-catenin localization and gastric and intestinal phenotypes. The cases of nuclear beta-catenin localization showed increase from G to I types. Molecular analysis of beta-catenin and APC genes revealed 10 tumors to be heterogeneous out of 16 informative cases (62.5%).5. The clinicopathological significance of colonic and small-intestinal phenotypes has hitherto remained unclear in gastric cancers. Of 86 gastric cancers, sucrase and CA1 expression was observed in 12 (14.0%) and only in two cases (2.3%), respectively.
All 2006 2005 2004 Other
All Journal Article (52 results) Book (1 results)
Clin Cancer Res. 12
Pages: 989-995
Cancer Sci. 97
Pages: 38-44
Clin Cancer Res 12
Cancer Sci 97
Clin.Cancer Res. 12
Histopathology 47
Pages: 330-331
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 334
Pages: 606-12
Gastric Cancer 8
Pages: 167-172
Pathol. Int., 55
Pages: 611-618
J. Histochem. Cytochem., 53
Pages: 75-85
Pathol. Int. 55
Pages: 170-179
Virchows Arch. 447
Pages: 806-815
Helicobacter 10
Pages: 97-106
Histopathology 46
Pages: 649-658
Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 334
Pages: 606-612
Pages: 164-172
Pathol.Int. 55
J.Histochem.Cytochem. 53
Virochows Arch 447
Cancer Lett 217
Pages: 149-159
Histopathology (in press)
Cancer Lett. (in press)
Cancer Sci. 95
Pages: 487-490
Pages: 872-877
Cancer Res. 64
Pages: 6410-6415
J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 130
Pages: 29-36
Pathol. Int. 54
Pages: 392-400
Pages: 135-145
J.Cancer Res.Clin.Oncol. 130
Pathol.Int. 54
J.Cancer Res.Clin.Oncol 130
J.Toxicol.Pathol. 17
Pages: 1-5
Int J Cancer in press
Histopathology in press
Gastric Cancer in press
Int J Cancer (in press)
Gastric Cancer (in press)