Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
The main purposes of this project are to construct a geometric theory for controlling quantum computers and to test the theory by NMR experiments. We formulated a theory for reducing execution times of quantum computing based on the Lie group theory. We successfully peck wed an NMR experiment and confirmed the applicability of our theory. On the other hand, decoherence has been known as an obstacle against accurate control of a quantum system in a noisy environment. For understanding the mechanism of decoherence we proposed the method of artificial environment, in which we can generate noises acting on the quantum system. Using the method of artificial environment we measured the decoherence rate of a one-qubit system and tested the bang-bang control, which suppressed the decoherence. To get a deeper understanding of decoherence we also studied entanglement in macroscopic systems and dynamics of non-equilibrium systems. In particular, we showed that the relaxation process becomes faster in a quantum system which has a metastable intermediate state. We studied also the uncertainty relation, the micro-macro duality, and their information theoretical implications. These results were published in journals and presented at workshops.We organized summer school to encourage young scientists in this field. We also wrote textbooks on mathematical physics and on quantum information science. We organized international workshops and published proceedings.
All 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
All Journal Article (66 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 26 results) Presentation (72 results) Book (13 results)
日本液晶学会誌 12
Pages: 57-65
日本液晶学会誌 12, 1
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 76
Physical Review E 76
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 10
Pages: 192-195
Journal of Physics A 40
Pages: 1525-1543
Physical Review A 75
Physica E 40
Pages: 363-366
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 76
数理科学 別冊
Pages: 34-44
日本物理学会誌 62
Pages: 365-369
日本液晶学会誌 11
Pages: 288-295
Pages: 365-372
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 76, 074002
Pages: 1-11
Physical Review E 76, 031140
Pages: 1-8
Physical Review A 75, 032317
Pages: 1-9
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 76, 114007
Pages: 1-7
Journal of the Physical Society of Janan 76, 104004
日本物理学会誌 62, 5
日本液晶学会誌 11, 3
日本液晶学会誌 11, 4
数理科学「双対性の世界」 別冊号
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Knot Theory for Scientific Objects
Pages: 17-26
Physics Letters A 350
Pages: 27-30
Physica D 219
Pages: 177-183
Physical Review E 74
近畿大学理工学部研究報告 42
Pages: 9-12
Pages: 13-21
Physica D 177-183
Pages: 219-219
Physical Review E 74, 61116
Journal of School of Science and Engineering of Kinki University 42
Proceeding of Physical Realizations of Quantum Computing
Pages: 173-184
Proceedings of Symposium of Topology in Ordered Phases
Pages: 26-32
Pages: 219-226
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74
Pages: 1883-1886
Physical Review A 71
数理科学 43
Pages: 27-32
Physical Review A 71, 032317
Pages: 1-12
数理科学 巻43, 号11
数理解析研究所講究録 1408
Pages: 151-158
数理科学 43, 11
物性研究 84, 3
Pages: 556-559
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 74