Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
All 2009 2008 2007 2006 2003 Other
All Journal Article (40 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 28 results) Presentation (35 results) Book (5 results)
Aquacultural Engineering (in press)
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (in press)
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 73
Pages: 710-718
In Proceedings of the 11^<th> International Coral Reef Symposium
Germany (In press)
Springer . In press
Plant and Cell Physiology 49
Pages: 641-652
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 49(印刷中)
Bioscience, Biotechonology and Biochemistry 73
Proceedings of the llth International Coral Reef Symposium 未定(印刷中)
Nitrogen Metabolism plants in the Post-Genomic Era 2(印刷中)
Pacific Science 62
Pages: 341-350
Marine Ecology 29
Pages: 110-114
Coral Reefs 27
Pages: 209-218
バイオミネラリゼーションと石灰化-遺伝子から地球環境まで- No.59
Pages: 18-24
月刊地球 59
Energy from the Sun 1
Pages: 1391-1395
Plant and Cell Physiology (「掲載確定」)
Coral Reefs 27, 209-218 27
Springer Book Series : Plant Cell Monographs, Springer, Heidelberg
Pages: 267-280
Plant Cell Monographs 6
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
Pages: 593-604
Trends in Plant Science 11
Pages: 522-524
Japan. Chemosphere 65
Pages: 2138-2144
沖縄生物学会誌 44
Pages: 45-52
Microbe 1
Pages: 347-347
Coral Reefs 25
Pages: 382-382
Biology Letters 2
Pages: 257-260
In Abiotic stress tolerance in plants-Toward the improvement of global environment and food-(Rai, A.K., Takabe, T. Eds.), (Springer, The Netherlands)
Pages: 71-90
In Proceedings of 10^<th> International Coral Reef Symposium(Suzuki, Y. et al. eds.), (ICRS, Tokyo)
Pages: 38-42
In Proceedings of 10^<th> International Coral Reef Symposium(Suzuki, Y. et al. eds.)(ICRS, Tokyo)
Pages: 819-821
InProceedings of 10^<th> International CoralReef Symposium(Suzuki, Y. et al. eds.)(ICRS, Tokyo)
Pages: 872-875
14th International Congress on Photosynthesis, (J.F. Allen, E. Gantt, J.H. Golbeck, and B. Osmond eds.)