Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
We have been studying functions of macrophage in Hefrcobacter pylori inffection. Because we think that acquired immunity may play important roles in the diseases caused by H. pylori infection. To investigate immunity of H.pylori infection, we have shown the H.pylori- HSP60 (heat shock protein 60 kDa) activates macrophage and it is useful antigen.We have shown some results supporting by this Grant.1) HSP60 stimulated and activated a macrophage though TLR2 and TLR4. IL8 was produced from the macrophage depending on MAPK and NE-〓B activation.2) Arteriosclerosis in Apo-E KO mouse was progressed by H. pylori infection. The pathology was associated with immunity to HSP60 and T helper 1.3) Patients with arteriosclerosis possessed antibody to peptides from H. pylori-HSP60. The peptides might be available for diagnosis of arteriosclerosis.4) DNA chip study indicated that DEC205 is an important receptor for macrophage activation in patients with gastritis caused by H pylori infection. We are now studying function of DEC205 on macrophage using NOMO-1 cell differenciated by PMA.
All 2008 2007 2006 Other
All Journal Article (16 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 9 results) Presentation (7 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (3 results)
Ann N YAcad Sci. 1108
Pages: 594-602
J Autoimmun 29
Pages: 106-115
J Bacteriol 189
Pages: 4960-4963
J Med. Microbiol. 56
Pages: 154-164
J Gastroenterol. 42
Pages: 21-27
Ann N Y Acad Sof 1108
J Med Microbiol 56
J Gastroenterol 42
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1108
J Autoimmun. 29
J Bacteriol. 189
J Med Microbiol. 56
J Gastroebterol. 42