Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Catastrophic outburst floods by a breach of volcanic dam or caldera rim can cause large-magnitude ones with large volume of impounded water with sediments. The extreme floods can travel long distance from the source volcano that ultimately affect onto landform and hydrology further downstream areas and threaten human life and economy eventually. This research focused on geomorphic and sedimentary features in the Oirase River catchment area and Towada caldera lake, and the Shira River catchment area and Aso caldera. Those imply volcanogenic catastrophic floods by dambreak of caldera lakes after ignimbrite eruptions.
All 2011 2010 2009 2008
All Journal Article (15 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 9 results) Presentation (39 results)
northeast Japan.Geomorphology. v.125
Pages: 11-26
地質学雑誌 第116巻補遺
Pages: 49-61
青森地学 55(依頼原稿)
Pages: 2-6
青森地学 55
Pages: 12-15
Volume: 125 Pages: 306-317
Volume: 116補遺 Pages: 49-61
Volume: 55 Pages: 12-15
Volume: 55 Pages: 2-6
青森地学 55(印刷中)
Sedimentary Geology 220
Pages: 306-317
Sedimentary Geology (印刷中)
Geological Society of America Bulletin v.120
Pages: 1233-1247
Geological Society of America, Bulletin 120