Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Chronic inflammation of endothelial cell is the first stage ofatherogenesis. We applied an experimental model using endothelial cells with representative inflammatory stimulant, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα), and to dissect detailedmechanism of induction and reduction of more than 500 genes. To obtain a comprehensive view of a single transcription cycle caused by TNFα in time course manner, we switched onfive long (>100 kbp) genes with TNFα and monitored genomic localization of nascent RNA, RNA Pol II, insulators, and histone modifications. Activation triggers a wave of transcriptionthat sweeps along the genes, and Pol II tends to stall at cohesin/CTCF binding sites. Chromatin conformation capture (3C), both conventional and quantitative data, revealedco-localization of actively transcribed genes. These results suggested that fine-tuning of TNFα responsive genes is achieved by selected number of transcription complexes, whichprovide platform for both transcription and splic ng. By virtue of whole genome chromatininteraction analysis with paired end tag sequencing (ChIA-PET) detailed chromatin structureanalysis was made possible, and time course data on stimulated endothelium sheds light ondynamic chromatin structure change within half an hour.
All 2013 2012 2011 2010
All Journal Article (21 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 16 results) Presentation (44 results)
The EMBO journal
Volume: 31 Issue: 23 Pages: 4404-4414
Gene Expr
Volume: 15 Pages: 183-198
Phys. Rev. E
Volume: 86 Issue: 2 Pages: 021918-021918
Mol Cell Biol.
Volume: Aug;32(15) Issue: 15 Pages: 3018-3032
Nature Communications
Volume: 6;3 Issue: 1 Pages: 883-883
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
Volume: 86 Pages: 21918-21918
Gene Expression
Volume: (In press)
Volume: 63 Pages: 25-33
Journal of pharmacological sciences
Volume: 115 Pages: 453-458
Volume: 30 Issue: 13 Pages: 2582-95
Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences of the United States of America
Volume: 108 Issue: 21 Pages: 8779-8784
Nucleic Acids Res
Volume: 39(20) Issue: 20 Pages: 8712-27
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Volume: 84 Issue: 2 Pages: 722-732
Physical Review E
Volume: 84 Issue: 4 Pages: 15-15
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Volume: 286 Pages: 674-686
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Volume: vol.31 Issue: 11 Pages: 2196-209
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
Volume: 31 Pages: 2196-2209
The EMBO Journal
Volume: (in press(掲載確定),in press(掲載確定))
mobile or immobile molecular machines PLoS biology 8
Volume: e1000419.
PLoS Biology
Volume: Vol.8