Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We studied whether a conflict between vision and haptics in the previous lift has an effect on the force planning of the next lift using virtual objects. We quantified the grip force (GF) rate peak as a behavioral read-out of force planning and used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to probe corticospinal excitability (CSE). We successfully developed the 3D VR haptic system which allow to study motor learning and function. Furthermore, we showed that GF rate peaks were significantly changed after trial of a visuo-haptic conflict and CSE followedthe same trend as the GF rate. Our results show that the motor system is capable to bias the sensorimotor memory by rapidly learning a new size-weight relationship.
All 2013 2012 Other
All Presentation (5 results) Remarks (2 results)