Research Abstract |
Published two papers: one on an academic journal issued by the University of Nagasaki in January 2013 , and the other on the "Ajia Jiho" (Asian Journal, vol .463) i ssued i n January 2013 b y the Asi an Af f ai rs Research Counci l .The title of the first paper: ‘Why has JICA's community development project in Bosnia attained a remarkable success? Practice of 'human security' in a post conflict area'I reproduce the abridged version of the abstract attached to the paper.Abstract: Approximately 17years have passed since the brutal war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ceased. After the signing of the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreements in 1995, no violent incidents have occurred and the country aims to join the European Union. However, rural areas in Bosnia lag behind in the post-war reconstruction, the deep- rooted distrust among the three ethnic groups of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats who once fought a brutal war remains and hampers collaboration in reconstruction work projects supported by various donors.JICA launched an agricultural development project in 2006 for returned refugees and impoverished inhabitants in six mountainous areas of Srebrenica Municipality, which is well known as the site of massacre of more than 8000 Bosniak men by the Serbian troops . For JICA the project was the first experimental case to test the effectiveness of the concept of 'human security' in the post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation. Owing to the professional leadership of Mr Yasumasa Oizumi, the chief adviser to the Srebrenica project, JICA has attained remarkable success both in reconstruction works and in betterment of inter-ethnic relation. My conclusion is that the key to success is mutual trust between donors and beneficiaries. Donors always have to be careful not to wound the pride of beneficiaries. Donors also bear it in mind that excessive aid tend to spoil people and diminish their self help effort.