すべて 2006 2005 2004 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (14件) 文献書誌 (1件)
The 37^<th> Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM 2006) Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu : Poznan, Poland. (accepted for oral presentation on April 21, 2006)
A Conference on Interfaces in Current Syntactic Theory : InterPhases. University of Cyprus : Nicosia, Cyprus. (accepted for oral presentation on May 18, 2006)
Proceedings of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics World Wide Web 21
The Proceedings of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics 21. World Wide Web : (http://atar.mscc.huji.ac.il/~english/IATL/21/)
Proceedings of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics http://atar.mscc.huji.ac.il/~english/IATL/21/ 21
ページ: 19-19
Proceedings of the the Sixiemes Journees Nationales de Linguitique de Maroc : Bare Structures and Functional Projections (掲載予定)
The 2nd International Theoretical East Asian Linguistics Workshop ポスター発表
Poster presentation; The 2nd International Theoretical East Asian Linguistics Workshop. National Tsing Hua University : Hsinchu, Taiwan
Proceedings of the II Encuentro de Gramatica Generativa (CD-ROM)(2003年12月脱稿済み)
Actes de Sixiemes Journees Linguitique Nationales de Maroc : Bare Structures and Functional Projections (近刊)(2005年2月脱稿済み)
The 37th Poznan Linguistic Meeting (PLM2006) (口頭発表)(2006年4月21日予定:採択済)
A Conference on Interfaces in Current Syntactic Theory : InterPhases (口頭発表)(2006年5月18日予定:採択済)
The Proceedings of the II Encuentro de Gramatica Generativa (CD-ROM)(To appear)(accepted 2003)
Actes de Sixiemes Journees Linguitique Nationales de Maroc : Bare Structures and Functional Projections. (To appear) (accepted 2005)