研究実績の概要 |
During FY 2016 we continued the investigation of serotonergic (5HT) fibres activity in CA1. Using in vivo 2 photon calcium imaging we observed that these fibres fire according to one of two activity patterns. The first and most common pattern consists of increased firing when the animal is about to start locomotion. This pattern also seems to display strong bursting at the end of long periods of inactivity, as well as irregular activity when the animal is inactive. The second pattern does not respond to locomotion, but to reward delivery instead. Using what we observed, we built a model to describe where the greatest activity of CA1 5HT fibers would occur, and tested whether artificially stimulating these fibres could boost spatial memory. Local optogenetic stimulation of CA1 5HT fibres during a spatial memory task led to a consistent increase in goal zone preference and other parameters, supporting a role in encoding rewarded locations.