研究実績の概要 |
Studied in this research is a systematic approach to generate first guesses of multiple lunar swing-by sequences for interplanetary small satellite missions. The Sun third body perturbation plays an important role essentially providing free v between lunar swing-bys. As a first approach, an extension of the classical Tisserand-Pointcar´e graph is presented, in which the potential gains by solar perturbation between flybys can be estimated. Secondly, following an approach proposed by Lantoine & McElrath, a database of Moon-to-Moon transfers is generated with a continuation method. New families with multiple revolutions and families close to libration point orbits are generated. The database can be accessed and transfers retrieved to quickly generate sequences in similar fashion to a Lambert problem solver. Two practical examples are presented: a transfer to the Earth-Moon L2 point, and an escape strategy for the DESTINY mission to initiate the transfer to asteroid Phaeton.