研究実績の概要 |
研究目的: In this research, there are three research goals: (1) Location Detection that is to find the sightseeing candidates; (2) Popularity Estimation that is to estimate whether a potential location is popular or obscure; and (3) Quality Evaluation that is to evaluate discovered locations’ sightseeing quality.
実績概要: Corresponding to the three goals: (1) in addition to a single location, we discovered relation knowledge (i.e., people's lifestyles) among different locations. Different user mobilities in an urban space were also mined for further location discovery; (2) by using the estimated popularity, we developed a sightseeing route recommendation algorithm for tourists to explore a city. A route with diverse sightseeing locations would be recommended; (3) we evaluated a location's sightseeing quality from both of nature and culture views. Cross-domains (e.g., image processing and environmental psychology) research were conducted in this topic and state of the art performance has been obtained.
All the research achievements above have been published and available in top international journals and conferences. In this year, one journal paper and five conference papers were published. An excellent research honor was obtained for the second Popularity Estimation research topic.