研究実績の概要 |
We have accomplished the my research entitled with "A practical Mach uniform multiphase numerical model for industrial applications". We have developed a series of brand-new numerical methods and models which significantly improves the solution quality and fidelity. In addition to the VPM/MCV and UMTHINC schemes proposed in the last year, some of representative new progresses are highlighted as following:
1) We have proposed novel THINC/QQ scheme for quadratic interface capturing on arbitrary unstructured grids. 2) We have constructed a reliable and practical incompressible multiphase model on unstructured grids. 3) We have developed the Mach uniform multiphase model by integrating VPM-BVD scheme, AUSM+-pcp scheme and THINC/QQ scheme.
Our achievements have been published on the top-rank journals and reported in several international conferences.