The students have been engaged in a multitude of cognitive processes: recalling prior knowledge in their programming; classifying subject-specific issues; applying designs and implementations; analyzing problems and forming constructive solutions. They were working in the anti-disciplinary space.
すべて 2017 2016 2015 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (13件) (うち国際共著 13件、 査読あり 13件、 オープンアクセス 1件、 謝辞記載あり 3件) 学会発表 (6件) (うち国際学会 5件) 図書 (1件) 備考 (2件)
International Journal on Innovations in Online Education
巻: 1,1 号: 1 ページ: 1-11
EdMedia 2017
巻: 1 ページ: 1223-1228
ECGBL 2017, The FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Science, Graz, Austria
巻: 1 ページ: 705-714
Learning Technology for Education Challenges.
巻: 734 ページ: 159-170
巻: 1 ページ: 562-570
Pedagogies: An International Journal
巻: 11 号: 3 ページ: 218-234
巻: 1 ページ: 1-15
IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology
巻: 18(2) ページ: 18-21
Learning Technology for Education in Cloud
巻: 5 ページ: 274-288
International Journal of Learning Technology
巻: 10 ページ: 30-49
Communications in Computer and Information Science
巻: 533 ページ: 268-282
World Engineering Education Forum.
巻: 43 ページ: 1-10
European Immersive Education Summit
巻: 5 ページ: 90-102