すべて 2006 2005 2004 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (96件) 図書 (3件)
Proceedings of International Symposium on Forest Ecology, Hydrometeorology and Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation in Sarawak
ページ: 109-112
Tree Physiology 26・7
ページ: 865-873
水文・水資源学 会誌 19・2
Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres
Journal of Vegetation Science
Proceedings of the 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CD-ROM)
ページ: 163-166
日本林学会関東支部会論文集 57
ページ: 109-111
Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres 111
Journal of Hydrology 329(1-2)
ページ: 329-349
Forest Ecology and Management 229 (1-3)
ページ: 333-339
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111, D10107, doi:10.1029/2005JD006676
Forest Ecology and Management 229(1-3)
Tree Physiology. 26
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Tropical Biology : Meeting the needs of changing tropical ecosystems Abstracts
ページ: 135-135
Proceedings of the 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CDROM)
proceedings of the 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing(CD-ROM)
Proceedings of the 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing(CD-ROM)
Tree Physiology 267
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 128(1-2)
ページ: 81-92
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21(2)
ページ: 237-241
PROCEEDINGS of 1st international Symposium of 21st Century COEProgram "Satellite Ecology"
ページ: 25-32
Proceedings of the 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CD-ROM)
日本写真 測量学会平成17年度秋季学術講演会発表論文集
ページ: 53-56
Trees 19・6
ページ: 703-710
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21・2
Trees -Structure and Function 19・6
森林科学 45
ページ: 18-24
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21
ページ: 215-218
Journal of Forest Research 9
ページ: 293-298
Forest Ecology and Management 208
ページ: 237-248
ページ: 389-396
森林科学 43
ページ: 68-72
Hydrological Processes 19(1)
ページ: 339-347
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 60(5)
ページ: 553-556
Trees. 19
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 51(4)
ページ: 525-533
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 51(3)
ページ: 369-377
Proceedings of International Workshop on "The Landscape Level Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests".
ページ: 97-105
ページ: 107-114
Journal of Tropical Ecology. Vol.21 No.2
Proceedings of International Symposium on forest ecology, hydrometeorogy and forest ecosystem rehabilitation in Sarawak.
ページ: 182-187
Proceedings of the 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (CDROM)
PROCEEDINGS of 1st international Symposium of 21st Century COE Program "Satellite Ecology"
Trees-Structure and Function 19・6
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21-2
Trees Structure and Function 19・6
Proceedings of the 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing
ページ: 704-707
ページ: 141-142
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing Vol. 35,Part B
ページ: 826-829
ページ: 239-242
Proceedings of the 1st EAFES International Congress
ページ: 170-171
Studying Forest Canopies from Above : The International Canopy Crane Network
ページ: 120-125
Advances in Water Resources 27(12)
ページ: 1135-1150
Water Resources Research 40(1)
Journal of Hydrology 287(1-4)
ページ: 237-251
Tree Physiology 24
ページ: 1187-1192
Journal of Tropical Ecology 20(6)
ページ: 679-700
Global carbon cycle and related mapping based on Satellite imagery
ページ: 453-472
Water Resources Research 40(1), W01104, 10.1029/2003WR002226
ページ: 697-700
Tree Physiology. 24(10)
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 50(5)
ページ: 747-753
Proceedings of International Workshop on "The Landscape Level Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests" 89-98
Molecular Ecology 3575-3584
Hydrological processes 18
ページ: 2455-2474
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science Vol. XXXV, Part B
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science Vol.35, Part B
Global carbon cycle and related mapping based on satellite imagery
American Journal of Botany. (In Press)