研究概要 |
1.Analysis of visual structure in Japanese dry rock gardens : Improved HST medial axis software (Van Tonder & Ejima,2003) and user interface was developed. HST analysis in Japanese rock gardens shows that various older garden designs of the Myoushinji and Daitokuji temple complexes pertain to convergent configuration of medial axis lines. Besides Ryoanji (Myoshinji), the following gardens are striking examples : Daitokuji hojo, Shinjuan (Daitokuji), Ryugenin (Daitokuji), Entsuji (Myoshinji), Zakkein (Myoshinji), Ryotanji (Myoushinji). Formal comparison of gardens involved fractal analysis, and Zipf-Simon analysis of medial axis structure (Van Tonder, Benjamin Press, 2006). Results show that Ryoanji is closest to organization of a natural biological tree, whereas Zakkein has the greatest structural complexity. 2.Multi-scale Fourier image segmentation : A new method was developed for image segmentation, based on clusters of self-similar structure, in the Fourier Domain. The model was programmed in the Matlab GUI environment. The method gives promising results with simplified textural images from a standard set of test images. It does not improve upon the performance of other existing segmentation methods, and should therefore be used as a sub-part of a more extensive segmentation model, rather than as a stand-alone algorithm. As such, the model does not yet justify an independent journal publication. The method needs to be refined to the point where it successfully segments complex natural texture images into meaningful parts. This task remains to be completed, and will be dealt with in future research.