研究実績の概要 |
The analysis of survey data from Shizuoka together with trip frequency data from IC card data has been largely completed. We could establish with this "Potential Travel" in terms of bus usage as well as travel satisfaction. We focused particularly on aging effects and therefore divide the data samples into three groups, non-elderly (less than 65 year), young elderly (65-74 years), and old elderly (over 75 years). Regression analysis with travel satisfaction as dependent variable show the importance of travel opportunity for older old. We then identify the relative importance of mobility on Quality of Life through a hybrid model estimation and discuss transport policy implications for an aging society based on these results. The results provide support that transit systems are determinants of potential travel and travel satisfaction of elderly between 65 and 74 years but that they do not significantly effect on both these travel variables in case of old elderly. We have submitted a journal paper which is currently under review. Besides this main work we further conducted two related studies. Firstly, with a Master student we looked into the same IC data with a focus on bus usage reduction over time of older people. Secondly, we published a paper regarding satisfaction with public transport facilities based on Korean data.