研究概要 |
在宅高齢者に対し情報冊子を配布する介入の効果を檢討するために研究を行った.その結果,情報冊子による介入は,女性において運動行動の変容に効果的であったが,男性においてはほとんど効果を持たなかった.今後,運動行動変容に最も効果的な情報冊子の内容,配布の頻度や期間等について,無作為化統制研究が必要である. The present study wa designed to examine the efficacy of a standard, print-based intervention for older adults living at home, Results suggest that intervention using printed self-help exercise promotoin materials was effective in stages of physical activity change in female older adults, but little effective in male older adults. Controlled studies concerning the types of print-based messages that are most effect, the frequency or durati on with which print-based intervention should be delivered, are needed.