配分額 *注記 |
42,380千円 (直接経費: 32,600千円、間接経費: 9,780千円)
2022年度: 9,230千円 (直接経費: 7,100千円、間接経費: 2,130千円)
2021年度: 9,620千円 (直接経費: 7,400千円、間接経費: 2,220千円)
2020年度: 9,360千円 (直接経費: 7,200千円、間接経費: 2,160千円)
2019年度: 9,100千円 (直接経費: 7,000千円、間接経費: 2,100千円)
2018年度: 5,070千円 (直接経費: 3,900千円、間接経費: 1,170千円)
研究実績の概要 |
Throughout this fiscal year, students and research group members continued their participation in the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration. Two Master's students obtained their degrees and remain in our group as PhD students. One PhD student obtained her degree and began a staff scientist job at SPring-8. One postdoctoral fellow completed her fellowship and began a postdoctoral fellowship at UBC, Vancouver. Two new postdoctoral fellows joined our group. The following research projects were completed this fiscal year: the determination that the nature of the quark-hadron phase transition cannot be observed with current gravitational-wave (GW) detectors; a new GW waveform model to generate physically-consistent non-GR compact object merger waveforms for better constrained testing of GR with black hole collision observations. In addition, the following projects are in progress: the development of a technique for inferring the Hubble parameter from GW observations directly from a signal catalogue and in a way that reduces selection bias effects; the development of a technique for testing GW observations for non-GR polarizations in a way that combines multiple observations and reduces selection-bias effects; the development of a method for identifying potential compact object merger remnants in CHIME data to use as targets for a triggered GW search.