研究開始時の研究の概要 |
This research will provide a better platform to design new nonflammable electrolyte with desired properties for safe secondary batteries through a detailed study of microscopic properties of electrolyte structures, the formation of SEI films and its stability. As consequent, some additive solvents will be a promising candidate for high performance safe batteries, and some of them will be definitively dismissed. The main impact of the present research is to shorten the way to design advanced fire extinguishing electrolyte for commercial as well as next generation safe batteries.
研究実績の概要 |
The main goal of this study is to design computationally an advanced non-flammable electrolyte for a practical safe Li-ion batteries. For that, we focused on the dilution the highly salt-concentrated (HC) electrolyte based on non-flammable trimethyl-phosphate (TMP) solvent. First, we aimed to investigate the microscopic mechanism of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer formation in HC TMP-based electrolyte. Using Red Moon methodology, it was revealed that a large amount of salt anions is localized on the SEI surface in HC electrolyte, enhancing the network formation of a dense inorganic layer with SEI salt-derived species. Next, we aimed to “dilute” such HC TMP-based electrolyte in order to address its low ionic conductivity and high viscosity. For that, new hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) were designed with high degree of fluorination. Using MD and QM calculations, self-diffusion constant of Li+ and the ionic conductivity should be significantly improved by dilution with bis(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro ethyl) ether (B2E) and bis(pentafluoro ethyl) ether (BPE) compared to other common HFE diluents. In addition, HFEs have high ability to form a localized-concentrated electrolyte in HC TMP-based solution, leading to high expectation for the formation of a stable and a compact inorganic SEI film. Finally, the elasticity of the SEI layer was investigated through the microscopic analysis of the composition effect of the SEI on its mechanical properties. The ductility of the SEI were evaluated as well as the role of each electrolyte compound on the SEI stability.