研究開始時の研究の概要 |
The linkage between governance and sustainable development (SD) could play a stronger role in the development agenda. This research would investigate the relationship between governance and SD, and explore the current governance system of developed and developing countries. Moreover, this study would identify the drivers and determinants for sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and explore the awareness, attitude and perception of the consumer and producer towards SCP. Finally, an attempt to develop an index for governance structure for SD and SCP at national level would be made.
研究実績の概要 |
Through analysis of the field data, policy and literature reviews, overall, the findings revealed that although countries have advanced in promoting particular SDGs, majority of the SDGs including 1, 5, 8, 11, 14-17 remain challenges for achieving the targets. A comparative analysis of Japan, Bangladesh and Thailand was conducted, which looked at each country’s performance based on the ESIs (environmental sustainability indicators) and governance. The study suggests that developing countries like Bangladesh needs to fulfill the gap between policy and implementation, improve citizens’ consciousness, promote green and clean technology and ensure its rule of law and good governance and local government empowerment for achieving SDGs and environmental sustainability at national and local level