研究開始時の研究の概要 |
Solution-processed organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have achieved considerable progress in recent years and their power conversion efficiency (PCE) have already reached over 14 %. Nevertheless, the mechanism of efficient OPVs have not been fully understood, which need to be further invesitgated.
研究実績の概要 |
In this year, the objective is to control the orientation of semiconducting polymers in thin films, and understand its influence on the relevant thin film physical properties and the performance of organic electronic devices. Two strategies, namely (1) the use of surface-segregated monolayer and (2) the modification of side groups by phytol-derived alkyl chains were utilized. In the first subtopic, simultaneous control of molecular orientation and chirality in thin films was fulfilled by self-assembly of fluoroalkyl modified chiral polythiophene.In the second subtopic, phytol derivative was utilized as a new class of alkyl chain for semiconducting polymers to realize the balance between solubility and film crystallinity with controlled chain orientation, thus improved device performance.Two academic papers of the aforementioned studies are now in preparation.