研究課題/領域番号 |
研究種目 |
配分区分 | 基金 |
応募区分 | 一般 |
審査区分 |
研究機関 | 名古屋大学 |
研究代表者 |
McGinty Sean 名古屋大学, 法学研究科, 准教授 (40706818)
研究期間 (年度) |
2019-04-01 – 2024-03-31
研究課題ステータス |
完了 (2023年度)
配分額 *注記 |
1,170千円 (直接経費: 900千円、間接経費: 270千円)
2021年度: 390千円 (直接経費: 300千円、間接経費: 90千円)
2020年度: 390千円 (直接経費: 300千円、間接経費: 90千円)
2019年度: 390千円 (直接経費: 300千円、間接経費: 90千円)
キーワード | Corporate Law / Executive Compensation / Corporate Governance / Courts |
研究開始時の研究の概要 |
This research will allow us to understand how a key institution, courts, affect executive compensation. Given the rise in income inequality globally and the significant contribution of such compensation to this trend, understanding institutional limits is crucial to developing policy to address it.
研究成果の概要 |
Sean McGinty, ‘Pay Fight! Corporate Director Compensation Disputes in Japanese Courts and What to Make ofThem’ 53 Journal of Japanese Law 109 (2022);Sean McGinty, ‘The Courts and Executive Compensation in Canada’ 14(2) Law and Development Review 753 (2021)
研究成果の学術的意義や社会的意義 |
The research has elucidated the role played by litigated disputes in the Court system in shaping corporate executive compensation. This is an issue of important public debate, with implications for economic efficiency and also income and wealth inequality.