すべて 2011 2010 2009 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (16件) (うち査読あり 16件) 学会発表 (13件) 備考 (3件)
nternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol.66
ページ: 25-32
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
巻: 66 ページ: 25-32
Statistical Methods and Applications. Vol.19
ページ: 307-318
Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences Vol.3
ページ: 1-12
International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering. Vol.4
ページ: 195-208
Statistical Methods and Applications
巻: 19 ページ: 307-318
Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences
巻: 3 ページ: 1-12
International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering
巻: 4 ページ: 195-208
Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications. Vol.8
ページ: 406-415
Austrian Journal of Statistics. Vol.38
ページ: 101-108
Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications. Vol.1
ページ: 19-33
Open Statistics and Probability Journal. Vol.1
ページ: 32-37
Joumal of Statistical Theory and Applications 8
Austrian Journal of Statistics 38
Journal of Statistics : Advances in Theory and Applications 1
Open Statistics and Probability Journal 1