研究開始時の研究の概要 |
This research aims to investigate short fatigue crack phenomenon in totality, thereby find ways to reduce crack growth rate by understanding how to enhance crack closure. Analysis of local 3D short crack interaction with the microstructure together with the closed crack segments will be done using X-ray tomography. Based on the acquired real 3D crack morphology, develop an image-based CPFEM model to simulate the 3D closure behavior in relation to the underlying microstructure. From the simulation, know how to optimize microstructure to realize materials that are difficult to fracture.
研究実績の概要 |
Titanium alloys are used in critical applications such as the landing gear of aircrafts which are subjected to severe loading and hence demand excellent fatigue properties. Therefore, the understanding of fatigue damage which accounts for up to 90% of failures in structures is critical. This study aims to characterize the 3D short fatigue crack opening and closing behavior and its influence on crack growth rate. Currently, simulation of crack closing and opening behavior based on the actual 3D crack shape is being conducted. From the simulation, know how crack closure is generated in relation to the microstructure. From this understanding, it is possible to design the microstructure of titanium to develop materials which are difficult to fracture, hence guaranteeing safety.