研究課題/領域番号 |
研究種目 |
配分区分 | 基金 |
応募区分 | 一般 |
審査区分 |
研究機関 | 九州大学 |
研究代表者 |
コルナトウスキ ヒェラルド 九州大学, 比較社会文化研究院, 准教授 (00614835)
研究期間 (年度) |
2022-04-01 – 2025-03-31
研究課題ステータス |
交付 (2023年度)
配分額 *注記 |
4,160千円 (直接経費: 3,200千円、間接経費: 960千円)
2024年度: 1,300千円 (直接経費: 1,000千円、間接経費: 300千円)
2023年度: 1,430千円 (直接経費: 1,100千円、間接経費: 330千円)
2022年度: 1,430千円 (直接経費: 1,100千円、間接経費: 330千円)
キーワード | Solidarity hubs / Inner city / Social inequality / Third sector geographies / Fukuoka / Yokohama / Singapore / Diversity / Japan / Urban geography / Migrant workers / Transient communities |
研究開始時の研究の概要 |
This research focuses on the diversifying content of voluntary service initiatives for temporal migrants through the lens of 'solidarity hubs', i.e., loosely organized voluntary services that function as frontline social infrastructure based on personal motivations of solidarity and care. I use a comparative set of two city-regions to analyze the diverse service efforts for migrant workers in need and to consider their implication for common concepts of diversity and social co-existence.
研究実績の概要 |
I have published a paper on the Fukuoka and Yokohama surveys, including a theoretical framework on 'solidarity hubs' in relation to recent theorizations of segmentation and enclavization patterns of urban foreign populations. Regarding the Singapore survey, I have been able to reach out to non-traditional volunteer organizations that emerged as solidarity networks during the pandemic. For Yokohama, I have conducted a questionnaire study on the solidarity structures of the local Thai community. On the topic of informality in both solidarity structures and housing, I have presented three papers in three different international conferences. This has allowed me examine the specific role of informality in solidarity structures for foreign populations and other, loosely-related minority groups.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
I have been able to initiate the Singapore survey, but it requires a follow-up survey. In addition, I have maintained close contact with the various stakeholders that participated in the workshop that I organized previous fiscal year, yet the number of in-depth interviews conducted is slightly less than originally planned.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I will finalize the planned surveys in Fukuoka, Yokohama, and Singapore. Following up on a paper that will be published next year, I plan to extrapolate from the insights gathered from the solidarity hub concept to the larger scale of peculiar urbanization patterns and pathways based on 'infrastructures of acceptance' during times of populations influxes and growth. This will also provide an apt opportunity to focus more on the comparative framework of this research. Finally, I plan to organize a follow-up workshop on social infrastructures and the role of solidarity hubs with the stakeholders in my research field. The end result of this research project will be presented at the EARCAG conference which I am also organizing this fiscal year.