研究実績の概要 |
The project, "Culturally Relevant Constructionist Design for ESD: Innovation-driven Education for Sustainable Development," spanned two years and focused on courses at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2022 and Chulalongkorn University in 2021. The research aimed to explore how a constructionist learning environment can support ESD by enabling students to design and create innovations addressing environmental and social issues. Undergraduate and graduate students from Japan and Thailand engaged in these courses, utilizing human-centered design principles such as empathizing, defining, and ideating to understand user needs and generate project ideas. The pedagogy emphasized designing and fabricating solutions for local or global sustainability challenges. Students conducted user experience research and built prototypes, iterating on their designs based on testing feedback. Data collected from interviews, student projects, and final reports indicated that framing making as a practice connected to students' interests facilitated successful engagement in sustainable development. The project involved 64 participants, with Institutional Review Board approval from both institutions. The outcomes of this project include five international presentations and one journal paper, currently under second review for the Special Issue of the Entrepreneurship Education Journal under UNESCO. These achievements highlight the project's impact on promoting innovation-driven education for Sustainable Development Goals.