すべて 2014 2013 2012 2011
すべて 雑誌論文 (21件) (うち査読あり 10件) 学会発表 (28件) (うち招待講演 7件) 図書 (4件)
Networked Governance, Transnational Business and the Law (Fenwick, Van Uytsel & Wrbka eds.) (Springer)
Cartels in Asia (Cheng & Ong eds.) (CCH Wolters Kluwer Business)
Leniency in Japan : An Empirical Survey of its Use
巻: Vol.4 ページ: 1-20
Netwroked Governance, Transnational Business and the Law
巻: (edited volume) ページ: 185-229
Cartels in Asia: An Asian Perspective
巻: (edited volume) ページ: 40-40
Kyushu University Legal Research Bulletin
巻: 4 ページ: 20-20
巻: Vol.749 ページ: 84-84
巻: 749 ページ: 84-84
Involving Cartel Members in the Enforcement of Competition Law : Japan as an Example
巻: Special Issue ページ: 605-631
Access to Justice in Collective Actions : Enhancing Access to Justice and Reconciling Multilayer Interests? (Wrbka, Van Uytsel & Siems eds.) (Cambridge)
Collective Actions : Enhancing Access to Justice and Reconciling Multilayer Interests? (Wrbka, Van Uytsel & Siems eds.) (Cambridge)
Law and Development in Asia (Gerald McAlinn and Caslav Pejovic eds.) (Routledge)
Hybridization of Competition Law Enforcement : Some Lessons From Japan's Introduction of the Leniency Program
巻: No.WPS027
ASLI Working Paper Series
巻: 27 ページ: 1-40
Collective Actions: Enhancing Access to Justice and Reconciling Multilayer Interests?
巻: Book Chapter ページ: 57-91
Collective Actions: Enhancing Access to Justice and Reconciling Multilayer Interests
巻: Book Chapter ページ: 1-20
The Intellectual Property and International Trade Law Forum
巻: Special Issue 2012 ページ: 605-631
Collective Actions : Enhancing Access-to-Justice in Competition Law?
巻: Vol.3, No.3 ページ: 1-40
COJ Comparative Law Journal
巻: 3 ページ: 1-40
Law and Development in Asia (McAlinn and Pejovic (eds), London: Routledge)
巻: Chapter 10 ページ: 241-275