研究課題/領域番号 |
研究種目 |
配分区分 | 基金 |
応募区分 | 一般 |
審査区分 |
研究機関 | 立命館アジア太平洋大学 |
研究代表者 |
KIM ChungHee 立命館アジア太平洋大学, 国際経営学部, 教授 (70723881)
研究期間 (年度) |
2023-04-01 – 2026-03-31
研究課題ステータス |
交付 (2023年度)
配分額 *注記 |
4,550千円 (直接経費: 3,500千円、間接経費: 1,050千円)
2025年度: 390千円 (直接経費: 300千円、間接経費: 90千円)
2024年度: 2,210千円 (直接経費: 1,700千円、間接経費: 510千円)
2023年度: 1,950千円 (直接経費: 1,500千円、間接経費: 450千円)
キーワード | New Capitalism / Inclusive Business / Asian Perspectives / CSR |
研究開始時の研究の概要 |
This project is: 1) an innovative, timely and multi-disciplinary academic project which contributes to the search of the NEW capitalism and future responsibilities of business society in the NEW economic system by integrating the ideas of inclusive and responsible leadership; 2) a new applied project in relation to the inclusive and responsible leadership by exploring Asian institutional contexts and dynamics; and 3) strengthening the potential of deepening scholarly collaboration of business & management, politics and economics in the NEW capitalism era.
研究実績の概要 |
In 2023, I sought to find the potentials of inclusive leadership of business society and NEW capitalist system. Based on the in-depth interview data and by using the preliminary work, I've presented at the 2023 AoM Conference, Boston and contributed to the book chapter. My Asian value and leadership paper is R&R process with top-tier international journal (Journal of Business Research).Three separate papers are ongoing for the submission to international journals.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
My Asian value and leadership paper is R&R process with top-tier international journal. My inclusive leadership paper is in R&R process with one of the critical perspective journals in international management. In linking to my existing research on capitalism, CSR and inclusive leadership. In this diagnostic stage for finding out “what is happening” and “what are challenges and distortions” to seek new insights, the research questions was revisited and streamlined.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I confirm that sharing of ideas and findings and getting feedback give me a lot of insights (challenges and opportunities) on my research on Asia and Asian business leadership. Endeavour to disseminate the outcomes of my Asian-focus research to the world will be focused. More data collection methods(including interview and focus group meeting) will be continued.