研究実績の概要 |
Our effort has focused on the ALPINE large ALMA projects to study the molecular gas and dust properties of 118 typical star-forming galaxies at redshifts of 4 to 6. The data has been fully analyzed, three papers have been published and nine have been submitted for publication. Our main research contribution has been a study led by Seiji Fujimoto and myself to measure the sizes of the CO emission. This paper was submitted in FY2019 and has now been accepted by The Astrophysical Journal in May 2020. This work finds the size of the CO-emitting region to be larger than the stellar light distribution on all mass scales. Furthermore, there are a sizable number of sources with an additional CO component that reaches out to 10 kpc scales. While this was seen in ensemble averages, the frequency of such extended components for individual galaxies had not been previously known. This work places important constraints on the role of both galaxy-wide feedback and possibly the inflow of gas onto galaxies. Additional significant achievements have been the measure of the molecular gas fraction and its relation to the star formation efficiency as reported in Dessauges-Zavadsky, M et al. (submitted), the presence of outflows (Ginolfi et al. 2019) and the identification of a triple merger system at redshift of z = 4.57. Furthermore, studies on the dust properties, far-infrared star formation rate indicators and cosmic star formation rate density have been submitted. As a result, the ALPINE project has reached a high level of maturity over the past year and will continue to do so.