[文献書誌] K TOKI,T SATO,J KIYONO,Nozar K G,S EMI,M YOSHIKAWA: "Hybrid Experiments on NonーLinear EarthquakeーInduced SoilーStructual Interaction" Earthquake Engneering and Strucyual Dynamics. 19. 709-723 (1990)
[文献書誌] K TOKI,T SATO,J KIYONO,Nozar K G,S EMI,M YOSHIKAWA: "Seismic Obserbation and Simulation of a SoilーPile System" Proc of the 8th Japan Earth.Eng.Symp.II. 1497-1502 (1990)
[文献書誌] K TOKI,T SATO,J KIYONO,Nozar K G,S EMI,M YOSHIKAWA: "Hybrid Experiment on Pile Groups Taking into Account EarthquakeーInduced Nonlenear SoilーStructure Interaction" Proc of the 8th Japan Earth.Eng.Symp.II. 1491-1496 (1990)
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[文献書誌] T SATO,K TOKI,J KIYONO,Nozar K G,K OSHIMA,M YOSHIKAWA: "Hybrid Experiments on Nonlenear EarthquakeーInduced SoilーStructure Interaction" Proc.of the Seventh Conf.of the Int.Assoc.for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. (1991)
[文献書誌] T SATO,K TOKI,J KIYONO,Nozar K G,M KITAGAWA,M ARANO: "Time Integration Scheme for SoilーStructure Systems with Frequency Dependent Complex Stiffness" Proc.of the Seventh Conf.of the Int.Assoc.for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. (1991)