[文献書誌] Shinobu Awaya: "Amblyopia:Update Concept, Classification and Diagnosis" Presented at the 1991 Annual Congress of Spanish Strabismological Society Submitted to Journal of Spanish Strab. Society. (1991)
[文献書誌] Shinobu Awaya,Toshimasa Tanaka,Yoshie Ozeki and Shigetaka Yamamoto: "Measurement of Cyclodeviation by the New Cyclo Tests." Transactions of XII AsiaーPacific Academy of Ophthalmology. (1991)
[文献書誌] Shinobu Awaya,Teiji Yagasaki,Miho Sato and Takeshi Karaki: "Measurement of Cyclodeviation in the Diagnostic Positions of Gaze." Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the American Assoc. for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. (1992)
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[文献書誌] 中村 富雄,粟屋 忍,三宅 三平: "AーV型斜視における水平筋附着部異常及び斜掛機能異常について" 日本眼科学会雑誌. 95. 698-679 (1991)
[文献書誌] 粟屋 忍(分担)(稲富 昭太,宇山 昌延,所 敬,井村 裕夫,編): "眼の病変 各科臨床医のために 「弱視」" 金芳堂, 337 (1991)
[文献書誌] 粟屋 忍(分担)(増田 寛次郎,本田 孔士編): "眼科治療クイックガイド 「小児眼科疾患」" 医学書院, 470 (1991)