[文献書誌] M.Wada,H.Ikegami,T.ShinozuKa,H.Sunaoshi,M.Fujioka,M.Yagi and S.Matsuki: "Construction of an IonーTrapfor Nuclear Spectrscopy Using a LaserーMicrowave Double Resonance Method." Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center Annual Report.9. 94-98 (1989)
[文献書誌] M.Wada,H.Sunaoshi,Y.Fukashiro,S.Hayashibe,T.Shinozuka,M.Fujioka,M.Yagi,I.Satoh,S.Matsuki: "Construction of an Ion Trap for Nuclear Spectroscopy Using a LaserーMicrowave Double Resonance Method(II)ーDetection of the LaserーInduced Fluorescence from the Trapped Ions of ^<88>Sr^+." Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center Annual Report. 10. 91-97 (1990)
[文献書誌] M.Wada,H.Sunaoshi,Y.Fukashiro,S.Hayashibe,T.Shinozuka,M.Fujioka,M.Yagi,I.Satoh,S.Matsuki: "Construction of an IonTrap for Nuclear Spectroscopy Using a LaserーMicrowave Double Regonance Method(III)ーMeasurement of the Hyperfine Constant of ^<87>Sr^+." Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center Annual Report. 11. (1991)
[文献書誌] M.Fujioka: "An RF Trap and Laser Spectroscopy:Detection of Fluorescence from Trapped ^<88>Sr^+." Proc.of JapanーUS Seminar on Quantum Electronic Manipulation of Atoms and Fields.1. 240-244 (1991)
[文献書誌] M.Wada: "Construction of an RFーTrap for Nuclear Laser Spectroscopy." Proc.19th INS Internat.Symp.on Cooler Rings and Their Appl cations,ed.T.Katayama(World Scientific,Singapore). 1. 123-127 (1991)
[文献書誌] M.Wada et al.: "Production of 421.6nm Laser Light for Nuclear Laser Spectroscopy of Trapped Strontium Ions by a FrequencyーDoubling Method." Japanese Journal of Applied physics.