[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "「NTTの生産性ーー民営化後の経営体質は変わったか?」" テレメディア. 9. 49-53 (1989)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "「新しい情報通信技術と産業連関分析」" イノベ-ション&IーOテクニ-ク. 1(1). 30-39 (1989)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "“Communication Infrastructure and SocioーEconomic Development"" Paper presented at the 6th Communication Forum,Japan Society of Information and Communication Research and Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Center,Singapore,March 8,1990. 1-20 (1990)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "“On the Cost of Deintegrating Information Networks"" Paper read at the Eighth Meeting of International Telecommunications Society,Venice,Italy,March 26ー28,1990.To be published in C.Antonelli (ed.),The Economics of Information Networks,NorthーHolland Publishing Co.(1990)
[文献書誌] M.Jussawalla and H.Oniki: "“Modeling of Intellectual Property Rights,"a chapter in The Economics of Intellectual Property in a World Without Frontiers."