[文献書誌] H.Hasegawa and K.Iizuka: "Effects of Carriers on Propergation of Electromagnetic Waves Along Planar Waveguides Formed on Semiconductors" Proc.of Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium(PIERS). 72-74 (1989)
[文献書誌] H.Hasegawa,M.Akazawa,H.Ishii and K.Matsuzaki: "Control of compound semiconductorーinsulator interfaces by an ultrathin molecularーbeam epitaxy Si layer" J.Vac.Sci.Technol.B. 7. 870-878 (1989)
[文献書誌] M.Akazawa,H.Hasegawa and E.Ohue: "In_<0.53>Ga_<0.47>As MISFETs having an ultrathin MBE Si interface control layer and photoーCVD SiO_2 insulator" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.28. L2095-L2097 (1989)
[文献書誌] B.X.Yang,H.Ishii,K.Iizuka,H.Hasegawa and H.Ohno: "MBE Growth of InP Using Polycrystalline InP as Phosphorus Source" 2nd Int.Conf.on InP and Related Materials. (1990)
[文献書誌] K.Iizuka,H.Hasegawa: "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Travelling Wave Interractions in InGaAs Layer Using the Electrode of Helix Type Slowーwave Pattern" IEEE Trans.Microwave and Techniques.
[文献書誌] K.Iizuka,H.Hasegawa and H.Ohno: "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Travelling Wave Interractions in nーtype InP Layer Using the Electrode of acーcoupled Interdigital Pattern" IEEE Trans.Microwave and Techniques.