[文献書誌] Yi LUO: "Purely gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor lasers" Applied Physics Letters. 56(17). 1620-1622 (1990)
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "Short wavelength distributed feedback diode as a light source in optical computing" Optical Computing in Japan,ed.S.Ishihara,Nova Science Publishers,Inc.,New York. 393-405 (1990)
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "Fabrication of an integrated DFB laser/amplifier with reactiveーionーetched tilte facets for reduction of optical crosstalk" Extended Abstracts of the 22nd (1990 International) Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials,Sendai. 22. 557-560 (1990)
[文献書誌] Yi LUO: "Low threshold cw poeration in a novel gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor laser" Conference Digest,12th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference,Davos,Switzerland. 12. 70-71 (1990)
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "Resistance to external optical feedback in a gainーcoupled semiconductor DFB laser" Conference Digest,12th IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference,Davos,Switzerland. 12. 72-73 (1990)
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "Fabrication and characteristics of an integrated DFB laser/amplifier having reactiveーionーetched tilted facets" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 29(12). L2430-L2433 (1990)
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "(Invited Paper) Laser diodes with gainーcoupled distributed optical feedback" to appear in Proceedings of SPIE.Laser Diode Techology and Applications III. 1418. (1991)
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "Reduction of excess intensity noise induced by external reflection in a gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor laser" to appear in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 27(6). (1991)
[文献書誌] Yi LUO: "Fabrication and characteristics of gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor lasers with a corrugated active layer" to appear in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 27(6). (1991)
[文献書誌] Junーichi HASHIMOTO: "Influence of facet reflection on the performance of a DFB laser integrated with an optical amplifier/modulator" submitted to IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.
[文献書誌] Yi LUO: "Ultralow chirping short optical pulse (16ps) generation in gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor lasers" submitted to Applied Physics Letters.
[文献書誌] Yi LUO: "Short pulse single mode operation of gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor lasers" Submitted to 11th Conference on Lasers and ElectroーOptics (CLEO'91),Baltimore,May 1991.
[文献書誌] Yi LUO: "Fabrication of GaAlas/GaAs single quantum well gainーcoupled distributed feedback lasers" submitted 2nd International Meeting on Advanced Processing and Characterization technologies (APCT'91),Clearwater Beach,May 1991.
[文献書誌] Yoshiaki NAKANO: "Highly efficient single longitudinal mode oscillation capability of gainーcoupled distributed feedback semiconductor lasers ーadvantage of asymmetric facet coating" in preparation for submission to IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.