[文献書誌] Hwangbo, AB, Suzuki, H: "Modern Architecture of Hans Scharoun and the Problem of Gestalt Historiography"東京:日本建築学会論文集(計画系). 36(12),No.562. 277-283 (2002)
[文献書誌] Hwangbo, AB: "Building a Theorv of Organic Building : Hugo Haring (1925-1934)"ソウル:大韓建築学会論文集(計画系). 18(10). 107-114 (2002)
[文献書誌] Hwangbo, AB: "An Alternative Tradition in Archiecture : Conceptions in Feng Shui and Its Continuous Tradition"Chicago : Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. 19(2). 110-130 (2002)
[文献書誌] Hwangbo, AB: "Conceptions in Feng Shui as Represented in Western (English) Documentary Sources"17(11). 125-132 (2001)
[文献書誌] Hwangbo, AB 他: "Traditional Architecture in modern Asia (TAmA)"the International Conference on East Asian Architectural History. 770 (2002)