[文献書誌] M.Tanaka,T.Suzuki and T.Nishinaga,: "“Surface Diffusion of Al Atoms on GaAs Vicinal Surfaces in Molecular Beam Epitaxy"," Japanese Juornal Applied Physics 29ー5,L706ー708(1990).29ー5. L706-L708 (1990)
[文献書誌] T.Suzuki and T.Nishinaga: "“Role of Step Kinetics in the Growth Mechanism of MBE"," 9th Symp.Record of Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics,1990 July,IzuーNagaoka,Japan.187-194 (1990)
[文献書誌] M.Tanaka,G.Tanaka and T.Nishinaga: "“Behavior of Atomic Steps during the MBE Growth of GaAs,AlGaAs and AlAs on GaAs Vicinal Surfaces:RHEED Observations"," 9th Symp.Record of Alloy Semiconductor Physics and Electronics,pp195ー202,1990 July,IzuーNagaoka,Japan.195-202 (1990)
[文献書誌] M.Tanaka,T.Suzuki and T.Nishinaga: "“Surface Diffusion of Al and Ga Atoms on GaAs (001) and (111)B Vicinal Surfaces in Molecular Beam Epitaxy"," Proc.of 6th Int.Conf.on Molecular Beam Epitaxy,to be published in Journal of Crustal Growth(1991). (1991)
[文献書誌] T.Suzuki and T.Nishinaga,: "“Surface Diffusion and Atom Incorporation Kinetics in MBE of InGaAs and AlGaAs"," Proc.of 6th Int.Conf.on Molecular Beam Epitaxy,to be published in Journal of Crustal Growth(1991).(1991)
[文献書誌] T.Nishinaga and T.Suzuki,: "“Surface Diffusion Coefficient in MBE by Collision Time Approximation"," Proc.of 4th Topical Meeting on Crystal Growth Mechanism,pp34ー40,Tokyo,1991 January.34-40 (1991)