[文献書誌] 塚田 稔: "パタ-ン刺激と海馬ニュ-ロンの可塑性" 電子情報通信学会誌. 73. 100-108 (1990)
[文献書誌] 塚田 稔: "Temporal pattern discrimination in hippocampus" Proc.of International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks,Iizuka 90. 371-374 (1990)
[文献書誌] 斎藤 秀昭: "Response of directionally selective cells of the Macague dorsal MST area to visual flow with directional noise and its relation to the noice tolerance in human Visual flow discrimination." Proc.ICANNー91,Helsinki 1991. (1991)
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[文献書誌] 水野 真: "A high degree of noise tolerance in human visual flow discrimination" ProC.ICANNー91,Helsinki 1991. (1991)
[文献書誌] 相原 威: "A dynamic induction process for longーterm potentiation in hippocampus studied by temporal pattern stimulation" Proc.ICANNー91,Helsinki 1991. (1991)
[文献書誌] 塚田 稔(編者:岩井,Mishkin): "Vision Memory and the Temporal Lobe (24節,Longterm potentiation to temporal pattern Stimuli)" Elsevier,New York, 453(251-254) (1990)