[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.: "Molecular mechanism of light signal perception in plants and fungi." Trends in Photochem.Photobiol.1. 311-319 (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.: "Nucleoside triphosphate(NTP)ーbinding proteins and endogenous ADPーribosyl transferase in Neurospra crassa." Plant&Cell Physiol.32. 653-664 (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Oda,K.,Nishikawa,K.and Hamada,T.: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins and ligh signal transduction in a plant and a fungus." Yokohama Medical Bulletin. (1992)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.and Nishikawa,K.: "An ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding protein cross reacting with antiーras antibody in the mycelia of Neurospora crassa." Plant&Cell Physiol.
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Asai,H.and Imaseki,H.: "Nucleoside triphosphate(NTP)ーbinding proteins in the plumule of etiolated mung bean seedlings." Plant&Cell Physiol.
[文献書誌] Oda,K.and Hasunuma,K.: "Light signals are perceived by ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins in the mycelia of Neurospora crassa." Nature.
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Oda,K.and Nishikawa,K.: "Assay method for nucleoside triphosphate(NTP)ーbinding proteins in Neurospora crassa." Fungal Genet.Newsl.
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Hamada,T.and Briggs,W.R.: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins and endogenous ADPーribosy1 transferase in the plasma membrane from etiolated pea seedlings." Plant Physiol.
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins and light signal transduction in Neurospora crassa." XVIth Fungal Genet.Conf.Abstr.31. (1991)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,S.,Kanaーuchi,A.,Hasunuma,K.and Murayama,T.: "Cloning and sequencing of a Neurospora ras gene." XVIth Fungal Genet.Conf.Abstr.50. (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins and molecular mechanism of light signal transduction in a plant and a fungus." Third ChinaーJapan Bilateral Symp.Biophysics.Abstr.143. (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding Proteins in Neurospora crassa and Pisum sativum and involvement of them to light transduction." 2nd JapanーUSSR Coop.Symp.Receptors;Structure and Function.Abstr.9. (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Nishikawa,K.and Ohsaki,Y.: "ATPーGTPーbinding proteins and light signal transduction in Neurospora crassa." 4th Sapporo Symp.Biol.Rhythm.Abstr.34. (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Oda,K.,Nishikawa,K.and Hamada,T.: "ATP and GTPーbinding to NTPーbinding proteins and the ADPーribosylation of them in the process of light signal transduction in a plant and a fungus." The 8th Yokohama Forum for the 21st Century Intern Symp.;Molecular Structure and Function.101. (1991)
[文献書誌] Hasunuma,K.,Oda,K.,Nishikawa,K.and T.Hmada: "ATPーGTP(NTP)ーbinding proteins and light signal transduction in a Plant and a fungus." IVth Yokohama Intern.Med.Sem.61. (1991)
[文献書誌] 蓮沼 仰嗣: "横浜市立大学論叢、自然科学系列 42巻2号" 植物の光信号伝達と概日性リズム, 55-82 (1991)