[文献書誌] K.Orihara,H.Yonekura: "Nonlinear Effects on the Ionic Conductivity of Poly(ethylene oxide)/Lithium Perchlorate Complexes Caused by the Blending of Poly(vinyl acetate)" J.Macromol.Sci.ーChem.A27(aー11),1217ー1224(1990). A27. 1217-1224 (1990)
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[文献書誌] K.Orihara,H.Yonekura,T.Takano,K.Aoki: "Nonlinear Effects on the Polymerie Sdid Electrolytes by the Blending of Poly(vinyl acetate)ーChanges of Mobility and Density of the Carriers." Makromol.Chemi.(1991)
[文献書誌] K.Orihara,S.Yamaguchi N.Sato: "Nonlinear Effects on the Polymeric Solid Electrolyles by Blending of Poly(vinyl acetate)ーInfluence of Molecular Weight of Polymers" Makromol.Chemi.(1991)