[文献書誌] K.Orihara,et.al.: "Nonlinear Effects on the Ionic Conductivity of Poly(ethylene oxide)Lithium perchlorate Complexes Caused by the Blending of poly(vinyl aeetate)" J.Macromol.Scl.ーChem.A27. 1217-1224 (1990)
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[文献書誌] K.Orihara,et.al.: "Grass Transition Change of The Solid State Complexes of Poly(ethylene oxide)and LiClO_4 by The Blending of Poly(vinvl acetate)" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Comn..(1992)
[文献書誌] K.Orihara,et.al.: "The Ionic Conductivity of The highly Oriented Crystal in The Complexes of Poly(ethylene oxide)and LiClO_4" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Comn.(1992)
[文献書誌] K.Orihara,et.al.: "The Change of The MObility and The Dcnsity of Carriers in The Complexes of Poly(ethylene oxide) and LiClO_4 by The Blending of Poly(vinyl acetate)" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Comn.(1992)
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[文献書誌] K.Orihara,et.al.: "The Molecullar Weight Dependence of The Blending Effect of Poly(vinyl acetate)for the Ionic Conductive Increase in The Polymeric Solid Electrolyte" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Comn.(1992)
[文献書誌] K.Orihara,et.al.: "Temperature Dependence of The Blending Effect of Poly(vinyl acetate)for The Ionic Conductivity in The Complexes of Poly(ethylene oxide)and LiClO_4" Makromol.Chem.,Rapid Comn.(1992)