[文献書誌] 原 宏: "質量標準の将来" 計測と制御. 31. 174-177
[文献書誌] Ko Hara: "A Determination of the Magnetic Flux Quantum Using Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System" CPEM '90 DIGEST. 183
[文献書誌] Ko Hara: "Improvement of the Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System for the Determination of the Magnetic Flux Quantum" IEEE Trans.on Instr.& Meas.38. 225-228
[文献書誌] Ko Hara: "IーV Characteris of NbNーNbN Josephson Point Contact" Japn.J.Appl.Phys.27. L677-L679
[文献書誌] Ko Hara: "Absolute Measurement of the Magnetic Flux Quantum Using a Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System" Superconductivity Electronics(オ-ム・Prentice Hall). 109-112
[文献書誌] Ko Hara: "Microbridge Utilizing Step Edge(MUSE) and its Application" Superconductivity Electronics(オ-ム・Prentic Hall). 198-201
[文献書誌] 原 宏 編著: "量子電磁気計測" 電子情報通信学会, 254
[文献書誌] 原 宏: "超伝導のはなし" 日刊工業新聞社, 172