[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫,栗山 規矩: "(72)"Measuring Impacts of New Information Technology and the Growth of the Japanese Economy," coーauthored with Tadashi Kuriyama (Tohoku University,Japan)," Keio Communication Review,No.12(Special Issue),March 1991,pp.9〜32.9-32 (1991)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "(73)「規制緩和」" 『世界の中の日本経済ーー国際国家日本の条件』第12章、有斐閣、1991年8月、pp.165〜190.165-190 (1991)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "(74)「わが国電気通信産業の自由化とNTTの民営化がNTTの総生産性に及ぼした影響」" 『規制と競争に関するコンファランス』報告、東京大学、1991年10月。. (1991)
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫: "(75)"Informatization in Japan and Its Impact on Economic Growth,"" Chapter 12 of G.Wang(ed.),Treading Different Paths:Informatization in Asian Nations,Ablex Publishing Corp.,Norwood,New Jersey,U.S.(forthcoming).
[文献書誌] 鬼木 甫,栗山 規矩: "(76)"Contribution of New Information Technology to the Growth of the Japanese Economy for 1974ー85ーーAn Application of InputーOutput Model and Productivity Analysis:Part I,"" To be published in Journal of Applied InputーOutput Analysis,vol.1,No.1(May 1992).